Pleural Effusion

Pleural Effusion
The pleura are 2 thin membranes that are moist surrounding the lungs. The pleura allow your lungs to expand and contract. The inner layer of the pleura are attached to the lungs. The outer layer of the pleura is attached to the ribs. Pleural effusion by definition is a buildup of excess fluid in the space between the pleura. This buildup of excess fluid makes it hard for the lungs to expand and contract properly. This makes it hard to breathe.
Pleural Effusion Causes
Pleural Effusion is normally caused by disease or by injury. Pleural effusion can be watery or thick.
The watery type of Pleural Effusion may be from:
- Heart failure
- Pericarditis
- Pulmonary Embolism
- Renal disease
- Lack of Nutrition
- Disease of the liver
- Pancreatic Swelling
The thick type of Pleural Effusion may be from:
- Lung infections like pneumonia
- Sarcoidosis
- Pulmonary Embolism
- Lupus
- Lung Cancer, Breast cancer, or Lymphatic Cancer
- Tuberculosis
- Tuberculosis
Factors that may raise your risk for Pleural Effusion include:
- Certain medications
- Injury to the Chest
- Radiation therapy
- Lupus
- Lung Surgery
- Abdominal Surgery
- Organ transplantation
Symptoms of Pleural Effusion:
Certain types of pleural effusion do not cause symptoms. Others may cause:
- Shortness of breath or shallow breathing
- Rapid heartbeat
- Rapid breathing
- Chest pain
- Stomach pain
- Coughing
- Coughing up blood
- Weight loss
- Fever or chills
- Hiccupp
Diagnosis of Pleural Effusion
On your initial visit, we will ask about your symptoms and take a full health history. A physical examination will be performed. This can include listening to your chest. Lung function tests will be performed to determine how well you can expand and contract your lungs.
Certain blood tests may be performed based on what the physician thinks it causing the build up of fluid.
Imaging may be taken to view your lungs. The imaging studies include:
- Chest x-ray
- Ultrasound
- CT scan
The physicians at Miami Pulmonary Specialists will take samples of the pleura tissue for testing. This can be done performed by the following:
- Thoracentesis
- Biopsy
- Thoracoscopy
Pleural Effusion Treatment options
Treatment is based on what is causing the Pleural Effusion. It may include medication, interventional treatments or surgery.
If your symptoms are minor, your physician may choose to monitor you until the effusion is gone.
If a patient is having trouble breathing, your physician may advise:
- Breathing medication into the lungs
- Oxygenation therapy
- Thoracoscopy
The pleural effusion may be drained by several options:
A therapeutic thoracentesis is a procedure where a needle is used to withdraw excess fluid.
A Tube thoracostomy — this is where a tube is inserted into the side of your chest to let fluid drain. It will be left in for several days.
Sealing the pleural layers to prevent future fluid buildup.
The physician may advise for a chemical pleurodesis. This is a talc powder or an irritating chemical that is injected into the pleural space. This will seal the layers of the pleura together. This may help prevent further fluid buildup.
Radiation therapy may also be used to seal the pleura.
In very severe cases, surgery may be performed. Some of the pleura will be surgically removed during the procedure. Options are:
- Thoracotomy—surgery
- Open chest procedure
- Video-assisted thorascopic surgery (VATS). This minimally invasive surgery uses small keyhole size incisions